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Anomalie pocasi ve svete v prubehu zimy 2019 2020

Velký teplotní rozdíl, orkán, povodně, extrémní horko a suchu. To vše v extrémech v počasí.

Re: Anomalie pocasi ve svete v prubehu zimy 2019 2020

Příspěvekod TommyAst » 01. 03. 2020 00:45

28.02.2020 - V cele stredni Evrope se pomerne ochladilo a 27-28.02.2020 se objevil i snih v nizsich polohach. Jen kontinentalnim Spanelsku byl letni den, na Kanarech tepla vlna ze sahary skoncila. Velmi teplo je na Balkane skoncilo (Rumunsko, Bulharsko, Bosna). Pobrezi Cerneho more na jiho-vychode (Gruzie, Turecko), tam je 26-28.2.2020 mimoradne teplo, az letni dny. Ostrovy v Baltskem mori, patrici Finsku stale meli nektere zimu bez ledoveho dne az do ted. Na dosti techto stanicich byl prvni ledovy det teto zimy 28.02.2020, nekde stale zima bez ledoveho dne vydrzela.

Ocekava se v SV Italii a ve Slovinsku SZ na konci zimy - zacatku jara az 200-300 mm srazek a v Alpach (za nekolik dni) i nad 1 m noveho snehu pri Slovinsko-Italskych hranicich.
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/exces ... w-alps-mk/

Prechod nize a velke uhrny srazek i snezeni ve stredni Evrope:
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/low-p ... europe-mk/

Dalsi extremni nize v Atlantiku na prelomu brezna-unora:
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/explo ... -jorge-mk/
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/updat ... turday-mk/
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/sting ... -jorge-mk/

Nize pobliz vychoniho pobrezi USA:
https://www.severe-weather.eu/global-we ... owfall-mk/

Velky bolid 28.02.2020 zaznamenan v Chorvatsku, Slovinsku, vc. razove vlny:
https://www.severe-weather.eu/recent-ev ... a-croatia/

Ceska Republika Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Doksany (Czech Republic) 8.2 °C
2 Tusimice (Czech Republic) 6.8 °C
35 Churanov (Czech Republic) -2.7 °C
36 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) -5.1 °C
37 Serak (Czech Republic) -5.2 °C
38 Snezka (Czech Republic) -6.8 °C

1 Snezka (Czech Republic) -8.1 °C
2 Serak (Czech Republic) -6.9 °C
3 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) -6.5 °C
35 Doksany (Czech Republic) -0.1 °C
36 Praha-Kbely (Czech Republic) 0.5 °C
37 Tusimice (Czech Republic) 0.5 °C
38 Praha-Libus (Czech Republic) 0.6 °C

1 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) 27.7 mm
2 Churanov (Czech Republic) 10.6 mm
3 Serak (Czech Republic) 6.8 mm
4 Svratouch (Czech Republic) 5.0 mm
5 Pec pod Snezkou (Czech Republic) 4.0 mm
6 Holesov (Czech Republic) 4.0 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Snezka (Czech Republic) 101 km/h
2 Milesovka (Czech Republic) 86 km/h
3 Dukovany (Czech Republic) 76 km/h
4 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) 72 km/h

Evropa Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Kuba (Azerbaijan) 26.6 °C
2 Ecija (Spain) 26.2 °C
3 Murcia (Spain) 24.9 °C
4 Murcia - Alcantarilla (Spain) 24.5 °C
5 Jerez De La Fronteraaeropuerto (Spain) 24.1 °C
6 Alicante (Spain) 23.9 °C
7 Cordoba - Aeropuerto (Spain) 23.9 °C
8 Alicante - El Altet (Spain) 23.7 °C
9 Andujar (Spain) 23.7 °C
10 Huercal Overa (Spain) 23.7 °C
11 Sevilla - San Pablo (Spain) 23.7 °C
12 Vejer De La Frontera (Spain) 23.7 °C

37675: Kuba Azerbaijan 550 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08395: Ecija Spanelsko 130 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08430: Murcia Spanelsko 61 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

1 Verlegenhuken (Norway) -32.1 °C Spicberky
2 Akseloya (Norway) -31.9 °C Spicberky
3 Alvsbyn (Sweden) -29.2 °C
4 Lovozero (Russia) -28.7 °C
5 Apatity (Russia) -28.6 °C
6 Kittila Airport (Finland) -28.5 °C
7 Kvikkjokk Arrenjarka A (Sweden) -28.3 °C
8 Pyramiden (Norway) -28.3 °C Spicberky
9 Edgeoya (Norway) -28.0 °C Spicberky
10 Salla Naruska (Finland) -27.5 °C
11 Nattavaara (Sweden) -27.1 °C
12 Svalbard Lufthavn (Norway) -27.1 °C Spicberky
13 Lycksele (Sweden) -26.9 °C
14 Isfjord Radio (Norway) -26.4 °C Spicberky
15 Petistrask (Sweden) -26.3 °C
16 Sodankyla Lokka (Finland) -26.3 °C
17 Utsjoki Kevo Kevojarvi (Finland) -26.3 °C
18 Gunnarn A (Sweden) -26.2 °C
19 Roros (Norway) -26.2 °C Jizni Hornate Norsko
20 Asele (Sweden) -26.1 °C
21 Kuhmo Kalliojoki (Finland) -26.1 °C
22 Rovaniemi Apukka (Finland) -26.0 °C
23 Pajala A (Sweden) -25.9 °C

01002: Verlegenhuken Spicberky 80.059 severne
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

02173: Alvsbyn Svedsko 65.67 severne
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

22127: Lovozero Rusko 68.00 severne
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

1 St. Athan (United Kingdom) 35.8 mm
2 Bar (Montenegro) 33.0 mm
3 Capel Curig (United Kingdom) 33.0 mm
4 Mumbles (United Kingdom) 32.0 mm
5 Schmittenhoehe (Austria) 29.9 mm
6 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) 28.0 mm
7 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) 27.7 mm
8 Monte Scuro (Italy) 27.0 mm
9 Praebichl (Austria) 26.0 mm
10 Lake Vyrnwy (United Kingdom) 26.0 mm
11 Horta Acores (Portugal) 25.0 mm
12 Pembrey Sands (United Kingdom) 25.0 mm
13 Sazan Island (Albania) 25.0 mm
14 Baernkopf (Austria) 23.0 mm
15 Catanzaro (Italy) 23.0 mm
16 Dubrovnik - Cilipi (Croatia) 23.0 mm
17 Bad Aussee (Austria) 22.5 mm

03716: St. Athan UK, 49 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

13461: Bar Cerna hora, 4 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

11340: Schmittenhoehe Rakousko 1973 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

11930: Lomnicky Stit Slovensko 2633 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

11787: Lysa hora CZ 1324 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

16344: Monte Scuro Stredni-Jizni Italie, 1710 m, snezilo tam
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

Narazy vetru (35 m/s a vice):
1 Chasseral (Switzerland) 172 km/h
2 Saentis (Switzerland) 169 km/h
3 Feuerkogel (Austria) 162 km/h
4 Cap Sagro (France) 159 km/h
5 Crap Masegn (Switzerland) 156 km/h
6 Mourgash (Bulgaria) 144 km/h
7 Guetsch (Switzerland) 143 km/h
8 Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) 141 km/h
9 Galzig (Austria) 140 km/h
10 Schmittenhoehe (Austria) 140 km/h
11 Ile Rousse (France) 137 km/h
12 Einsiedeln (Switzerland) 131 km/h
13 Feldberg - Schwarzwald (Germany) 130 km/h
14 Loferer Alm (Austria) 130 km/h
15 Zugspitze (Germany) 130 km/h
16 Gersau (Switzerland) 128 km/h
17 Alpinzentrum Rudolfshuette (Austria) 126 km/h
18 Altenstadt (Germany) 126 km/h
19 Klippeneck (Germany) 126 km/h
20 Makarska (Croatia) 126 km/h
21 Patscherkofel (Austria) 126 km/h

06605: Chasseral Svycarsko 1599 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

06680: Saentis Svycarsko 2490 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

11155: Feuerkogel Rakousko 1618 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

07791: Cap Sagro Francie 111 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

06730: Jungfraujoch Svycarsko 3580 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

Slovensko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Hurbanovo (Slovakia) 8.4 °C
2 Piestany (Slovakia) 7.6 °C
3 Dudince (Slovakia) 7.5 °C
24 Liesek (Slovakia) 0.6 °C
25 Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) -3.1 °C
26 Kojsovska Hola (Slovakia) -4.1 °C
27 Chopok (Slovakia) -9.6 °C
28 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) -13.3 °C

1 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) -16.4 °C
2 Chopok (Slovakia) -10.8 °C
3 Kojsovska Hola (Slovakia) -6.7 °C
4 Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) -6.7 °C
27 Hurbanovo (Slovakia) 0.5 °C
28 Bratislava Ivanka (Slovakia) 2.0 °C

1 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) 28.0 mm
2 Chopok (Slovakia) 16.0 mm
3 Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) 10.0 mm
4 Zilina - Hricov (Slovakia) 9.0 mm
5 Prievidza (Slovakia) 8.0 mm
6 Kamenica Nad Cirochou (Slovakia) 7.0 mm
7 Kosice (Slovakia) 7.0 mm
8 Telgart (Slovakia) 7.0 mm
9 Stropkov, Tisinec (Slovakia) 6.8 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Chopok (Slovakia) 119 km/h
2 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) 97 km/h
3 Hurbanovo (Slovakia) 83 km/h
4 Nitra (Slovakia) 83 km/h
5 Bratislava Ivanka (Slovakia) 72 km/h

Rakousko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Deutschlandsberg (Austria) 9.6 °C
2 Bad Gleichenberg (Austria) 9.4 °C
3 Leibnitz (Austria) 9.1 °C
150 Alpinzentrum Rudolfshuette (Austria) -8.5 °C
151 Brunnenkogel (Austria) -8.6 °C
152 Sonnblick - Autom. (Austria) -11.0 °C

1 Brunnenkogel (Austria) -21.7 °C
2 Sonnblick - Autom. (Austria) -17.8 °C
3 Pitztaler Gletscher (Austria) -17.0 °C
150 Bregenz (Austria) 1.9 °C
151 Grossenzersdorf (Austria) 2.1 °C
152 Wien - City (Austria) 3.3 °C

1 Schmittenhoehe (Austria) 29.9 mm
2 Praebichl (Austria) 26.0 mm
3 Baernkopf (Austria) 23.0 mm
4 Bad Aussee (Austria) 22.5 mm
5 Saalbach (Austria) 22.0 mm
6 Saint Wolfgang (Austria) 21.8 mm
7 Obergurgl (Austria) 20.8 mm
8 Feuerkogel (Austria) 20.1 mm
9 Achenkirch (Austria) 20.0 mm
10 Loferer Alm (Austria) 19.8 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Feuerkogel (Austria) 162 km/h
2 Galzig (Austria) 140 km/h
3 Schmittenhoehe (Austria) 140 km/h
4 Loferer Alm (Austria) 130 km/h
5 Alpinzentrum Rudolfshuette (Austria) 126 km/h
6 Patscherkofel (Austria) 126 km/h

Polsko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Kasprowy Wierch (Poland) 19.0 mm
2 Leba (Poland) 10.6 mm
3 Sniezka (Poland) 9.0 mm
4 Zakopane (Poland) 8.0 mm
5 Krosno (Poland) 6.0 mm
6 Darlowek (Poland) 6.0 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Sniezka (Poland) 112 km/h
2 Kasprowy Wierch (Poland) 90 km/h

Nemecko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Oberstdorf (Germany) 11.4 mm
2 Kuemmersbruck (Germany) 9.0 mm
3 Zinnwald-Georgenfeld (Germany) 8.3 mm
4 Carlsfeld (Germany) 8.0 mm
5 Niederstetten (Germany) 8.0 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Feldberg - Schwarzwald (Germany) 130 km/h
2 Zugspitze (Germany) 130 km/h
3 Altenstadt (Germany) 126 km/h
4 Klippeneck (Germany) 126 km/h
5 Hohenpeissenberg (Germany) 122 km/h
6 Stoetten (Germany) 122 km/h
7 Chieming (Germany) 119 km/h

Turecko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Trabzon (Turkey) 21.9 °C
2 Alanya (Turkey) 21.4 °C
3 Finike (Turkey) 20.8 °C
4 Rize (Turkey) 20.3 °C
5 Osmaniye (Turkey) 20.1 °C
6 Adana - Sakirpasa (Turkey) 19.9 °C
7 Fethiye (Turkey) 19.4 °C

Gruzie Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Marneuli (Georgia) 23.3 °C
2 Bolnisi (Georgia) 22.2 °C
3 Tbilisi (Georgia) 21.0 °C
4 Gurjaani (Georgia) 20.9 °C
5 Batumi (Georgia) 20.8 °C
6 Muhrani (Georgia) 20.3 °C
7 Kutaisi (Georgia) 19.4 °C

Armenie Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Kapan (Armenia) 23.0 °C
2 Idjevan (Armenia) 19.0 °C
3 Armavir (Armenia) 14.0 °C

Azerbaijan Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Kuba (Azerbaijan) 26.6 °C
2 Gyanja (Azerbaijan) 22.0 °C
3 Zakatala (Azerbaijan) 20.6 °C
4 Geokchay (Azerbaijan) 20.3 °C
5 Maraza (Azerbaijan) 15.3 °C
6 Lankaran (Azerbaijan) 14.9 °C
7 Baku - Bine Airport (Azerbaijan) 14.2 °C
Příspěvky: 1110
Registrace: 31. 10. 2012 16:25
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Hodnocení: 16

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Re: Anomalie pocasi ve svete v prubehu zimy 2019 2020

Příspěvekod TommyAst » 01. 03. 2020 00:54

A pak tady mnohokrat zaznel pojem Zima bez ledoveho dne respektive cele obdobi od leta do leta. V Italii-Spanelsku je to naprosto normalni, dokonce i zima bez mrazoveho dne. V Ceske Republice, v Praze i jinde je to ale velky extrem.

Zima bez ledoveho dne nikdy nebyla v Klementinu, ani na zadne z 38 SYNOP stanic. Ale uz se takova zima vyskytla v jednom jedinem roce na celkem 8 stanicich:


Zima 2017-2018 stale vypadala pro nektere stanice (Doksany, Klementinum) bez ledoveho dne. Jenze koncem zimy jsme tu meli bezmala -20 v 850 hPa, Prvni ledovy den se objevil v Klementinu za 24.02.2018 a Doksanech a soucasne vsude v CR az 25.02.2018. Zima 2006-2007, tam bylo ochlazeni vc. ledovych dnu a hodne snehu v Praze na par dni koncem ledna. V Zime 2019-2020 jen inverze prinesla ledove dny do nizin. Vzdy kdyz byl na LIbusi nebo v Doksanech nebo v Klementinu ledovy den, bylo na Snezce nad nulou Tmax.

Ve Finsku zima bez ledoveho dne to je neuveritelna vec. Jeste v pulce ledna 2020 nebyl snih v Jiznim Finsku samozrejme, oblast bez snehu sahala az k Oulu, 65 rovnobezce. Botnicky zaliv a Baltske more nezamrzl tou dobou vubec a i v unoru a koncem ledna se led objevil jen na konci Botnickeho zalivu. Na konci Botnickeho zalivu led roztava az v Kvetnu bezne, nektere minule roky dokonce az v Cervnu. Letos se tam moc ledu neutvorilo.

Leden bez ledoveho dne byl na mnoha mistech v jiznim Finsku pri pobrezi, samozrekme v oblasti Helsiki, Turku, a ostrov Alann. Jenze velkou cast ledna nebyl ledovy den ani na Ostrovech pri Oulu, Kemi. Koncem ledna 2020 se v Laponsku ochladilo a ledove dny a prvni zamrzani prisly na sever do Botnickeho zalivu.

Zima bez ledoveho dne ve Finsku ? Dost stanic na jihu to zvladlo v lednu. Okolo 28.12.2019 byla ale chladna vlna a vetsina stanic na jihu Finska mela ledovy den. Dalsi chladna vlna byla k 04.02.2020, to byl na dosti mistech na jihu Finska ledovy den. Na nekterych mistech na jihu Finska byl ledovy den i 10.01.2020 a 05.01.2020. Nekolik mist na jiho-zapade Finska - ostrovy v Baltskem mori nedaleko pevniny vetsinou, byly bez ledoveho dne az do konce unora. Ale 27-28.2020 prisla chladnejsi vlna (stale asi nad prumerem), a v techto mistech byly vetsinou ledove dny v teto vlne (28.02.2020).V Helsinkach a na jiznim pobrezi ale touto dobou vetsinou ledove dny nebyly. Stale jsou ale pri Aland ostrovu mista, kde zatim celu zimu nebyl ledovy den a je to ve Finsku. Napriklad 02970 Mariehamn - Aland Island a 02980 Nyhamn.

V Helsinkach (nekolik stanic) uz ledovy den byl 28.12.2019 a nekde 10.01.2020. Ale na nekterych stanicich pri Helsinkach je leden 2020 bez ledoveho dne stale. 04.02.2020 bylna dost mistech v oblasti Helsinki ledovy den. 27-28.02.2020 pak prisla dalsi chladna vlna.

Par stanic ve Finsku - odkazy vedou na 3 zimni mesice:

02978 Helsinki Kaisaniemi Leden bez ledoveho dne, ale 28.12.2019 ledovy den, 04.02.2020 ledovy den, 27.02.2020 tesne.
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02998 Helsinki Kumpula Leden bez ledoveho dne, ale 28.12.2019 ledovy den, 04.02.2020 ledovy den, 27.02.2020 tesne.
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

02985 Espoo Tapiola 10.01.2020 nejspis ledovy den byl, i kdyz je tam z predchoziho dne Tmax +0.2 °C z predchoziho dne vecer, 04.02.2020 ledovy den, 27.02.2020 tesne.
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

Stanice v Baltskem mori pobliz Helsinki:

02795 Helsinki Harmaja Leden bez ledoveho dne, ale 28.12.2019 ledovy den, i 04.02.2020 ledovy den.
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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02989 Helsinki Lighthouse Leden bez ledoveho dne, ale 28.12.2019 ledovy den, 04.02.2020 Tmax +0.0 °C z predchoziho vecera, takze ledovy den.
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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Mezi Svedskem a Finskem se dal na sever tahne Botnicky zaliv, koncici mestem Tornio FI - Happaranda SE, jiz nedaleko polarniho kruhu. Dale je tam velka reka Tornio, tvorici hranici Finska-Svedska, V zime Botnicky zaliv zamrza a zamrza i more mezi Finskem a Estonskem, jsou tam od lodi vyjezdene trasy. V Oblasti Kemi-Tornio na severu Botnickeho zalivu more rozmrza az v Kletnu a v zime se tam objevuje az -30 °C pri pobrezi (ne na mori, i kdyz je zamrzle). Ale letos nic takoveho.

Par stanic v mori, v Botnickem zalivu, nedaleko Oulu, takze nedaleko 65. rovnobezky:

02800 Nahkiainen Ledovy den 28.12.2019 a po te znova az 26.01.2020, v unoru ledovych dnu vice, stale razantne nadprumerne teploty.
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02851 Oulusalo Pellonpaa Ledovy den 28.12.2019, 05.01.2020 a po te znova az 25.01.2020, 26-27.01.2020 uz to bylo blizko Arktickemu dni. Unor exteme teply, ledove dny ale byly.
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

02876 Oulu Vihreasaari Ledovy den 28.12.2019, 05.01.2020 a po te znova az 25.01.2020, 26-27.01.2020 uz to bylo blizko Arktickemu dni. Unor velmi teply, i kdyz ze zacatku i na konci nocni mrazy pod -10 a na zacatku unora nedaleko Arktickemu dni 04.02.2020.
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02874 Hailuoto Keskikyla Ledovy den 28.12.2019, 05.01.2020 a po te znova az 25.01.2020, 26-27.01.2020 uz to bylo blizko Arktickemu dni. V unoru ledovych dni dost, zacatkem a koncem unora silne nocni mrazy.
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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02873 Marjaniem Ledovy den 28.12.2019, 05.01.2020 a po te znova az 26.01.2020, 26-27.01.2020 uz to bylo blizko Arktickemu dni. V unoru ledovych dnu vic, i kdyz stale dost teplo, koncem unora silnejsi nocni mrazy.
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02863 Kemi I Lighthouse v mori (Botnicky zaliv) nedaleko Kemi-Oulu. Ledovy den 28.12.2019, 05.01.2020 a po te znova az 26.01.2020. Koncem a zacatkem unora bylo ledovych dni vic, jinak unor ale stejne extreme teply.
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Na severnim konci Botnickeho zalivu se vleva do more reka Tornio, je tam na Finske strane mesto Tornio, na Svedske strane mesto Happaranda. Ledove dny tam uz byly, ale dost napdprumerna zima tam je. Dal na sever v Laponsku a pryc od more ledovych dnu bylo dost, ale teploty jsou dost nadprumerne. I unor 2020 byl v usti reky Tornio velmi nadrumerny, dost dni s teplotami nad nulou. Ale zacatkem unora a hlavne koncem unora se objevilo vic dnu za sebou s Tmin pod -20 °C. Na Svedske strane se 04.02.2020 vyskytl Arkticky den. Je to nedaleko polarniho kruhu uz (0.70 a 0.73 stupne), tak bych tech arktickych dni cekal vic.

02880 Tornio Torppi
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

02197 Haparanda A
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

Jiho-zapadni Finsko, ostrovy pobliz Turku a Aland, zima bez ledoveho dne tam drzela se dlouho, na nekterych mistech v teto oblasti byl prvni ledovy den 28.02.2020:

Odkazy jsou na jednotlive zimni mesice. Prvni odkaz je 50 dni pred meteorologickou zimou a posledni odkaz 50 dni po meteorologicke zime. Unor 2020 je predposledni odkaz.

02790 Kumlinge Kk ve Finsku ostrov pobliz Aland
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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02980 Nyhamn ve Finsku ostrov pobliz Aland
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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02970 Mariehamn - Aland Island Finsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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02982 Russaro Jizni mys Finska
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

02981 Uto Jizni mys Finska ?
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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Uvidime nakonec, jak kde dopadne cely chladny pulrok-obdobi 2019-2020, JE TO POUZE PRVNI NAHLED BEZ VERIFIKACE.

Zima a kalendarni rok bez ledoveho dne v CR, uz se tak stalo:

Extreme pozde prvni ledove dny na severu Norska v zime 2018-2019:

Finsko Republika Ogimet SYNOP extremy 27.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Bogskar (Finland) 1.2 °C
2 Uto (Finland) 1.2 °C
3 Market (Finland) 1.1 °C
4 Pori Tahkoluoto (Finland) 1.1 °C
5 Kaskinen Salgrund (Finland) 1.0 °C
6 Piikkio Yltoinen (Finland) 0.9 °C
7 Pori rautatieasema (Finland) 0.9 °C
8 Turku Artukainen (Finland) 0.9 °C
9 Kustavi Isokari (Finland) 0.8 °C
10 Russaro (Finland) 0.8 °C
11 Anjalankoski Anjala (Finland) 0.7 °C
12 Salo Karkka (Finland) 0.7 °C
13 Fagerholm (Finland) 0.6 °C
14 Kristiinankaupungin Majakka (Finland) 0.6 °C
15 Turku Rajakari (Finland) 0.6 °C
16 Vaasa Klemettila (Finland) 0.6 °C
180 Inari Saariselka Aws (Finland) -8.4 °C
181 Kittila Laukukero (Finland) -8.5 °C
182 Kuusamo Rukatunturi (Finland) -8.6 °C
183 Utsjoki Kevo Kevojarvi (Finland) -9.4 °C

Tmax 39x nad 0 °C, 43x bez ledoveho dne.

1 Salla Naruska (Finland) -27.0 °C
2 Kuhmo Kalliojoki (Finland) -26.1 °C
3 Rovaniemi Apukka (Finland) -25.5 °C
4 Kittila Airport (Finland) -25.4 °C
5 Pello (Finland) -24.7 °C
6 Ylitornio Meltosjarvi (Finland) -24.1 °C
7 Sodankyla Lokka (Finland) -23.5 °C
173 Russaro (Finland) -3.1 °C
174 Tammisaari Jussaro (Finland) -2.8 °C
175 Kirkkonummi Makiluoto (Finland) -2.7 °C
176 Lumparland Langnas Harbour (Finland) -2.6 °C
177 Strommingsbadan (Finland) -2.6 °C
178 Helsinki Lighthouse (Finland) -2.3 °C
179 Kallbadagrund (Finland) -2.1 °C
180 Uto (Finland) -2.1 °C
181 Nyhamn (Finland) -1.9 °C
182 Market (Finland) -1.8 °C
183 Bogskar (Finland) -0.2 °C

Finsko Republika Ogimet SYNOP extremy 28.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Porvoo Emasalo (Finland) 1.7 °C
2 Helsinki Kumpula (Finland) 1.4 °C
3 Kirkkonummi Makiluoto (Finland) 1.4 °C
4 Helsinki Kaisaniemi (Finland) 1.1 °C
5 Porvoo Harabacka (Finland) 1.1 °C
6 Porvoo Kilpilahti (Finland) 1.0 °C
7 Bogskar (Finland) 0.9 °C
8 Mariehamn - Aland Island (Finland) 0.9 °C
9 Nyhamn (Finland) 0.9 °C
10 Jomala Jomalaby (Finland) 0.8 °C
11 Bagaskar (Finland) 0.6 °C
12 Kemionsaari Kemio (Finland) 0.6 °C
13 Piikkio Yltoinen (Finland) 0.6 °C
14 Espoo Tapiola (Finland) 0.5 °C
15 Kankaanpaa Niinisalo Aws (Finland) 0.5 °C
16 Helsinki Harmaja (Finland) 0.4 °C
17 Helsinki-Vantaa (Finland) 0.4 °C
18 Kotka Haapasaari (Finland) 0.4 °C
19 Salo Karkka (Finland) 0.4 °C
20 Tammisaari Jussaro (Finland) 0.4 °C
21 Kallbadagrund (Finland) 0.3 °C
22 Helsinki Lighthouse (Finland) 0.2 °C
23 Market (Finland) 0.2 °C
24 Turku Artukainen (Finland) 0.2 °C
25 Vihti Maasoja (Finland) 0.2 °C
26 Hanko Tvarminne (Finland) 0.1 °C
27 Pernaja Orrengrund (Finland) 0.1 °C
28 Turku Rajakari (Finland) 0.1 °C
29 Anjalankoski Anjala (Finland) -0.1 °C
30 Rankki (Finland) -0.1 °C
31 Russaro (Finland) -0.1 °C
177 Kittila Sammaltunturi (Finland) -8.0 °C
178 Savukoski Kk (Finland) -8.2 °C
179 Inari Saariselka Aws (Finland) -8.3 °C
180 Enontekio Nakkala (Finland) -8.7 °C
181 Kittila Laukukero (Finland) -10.0 °C
182 Kilpisjarvi Saana (Finland) -10.1 °C

1 Kittila Airport (Finland) -28.5 °C
2 Salla Naruska (Finland) -27.5 °C
3 Sodankyla Lokka (Finland) -26.3 °C
4 Utsjoki Kevo Kevojarvi (Finland) -26.3 °C
5 Kuhmo Kalliojoki (Finland) -26.1 °C
6 Rovaniemi Apukka (Finland) -26.0 °C
7 Salla Kk (Finland) -25.6 °C
8 Suomussalmi Pesio (Finland) -25.2 °C
9 Sodankyla Vuotso (Finland) -25.1 °C
10 Inari Vayla (Finland) -24.6 °C
11 Kemijarvi Lentokentta (Finland) -24.6 °C
172 Bagaskar (Finland) -5.5 °C
173 Dragsf Jard Vano (Finland) -5.5 °C
174 Hanko Tulliniemi (Finland) -5.5 °C
175 Kirkkonummi Makiluoto (Finland) -5.5 °C
176 Tammisaari Jussaro (Finland) -5.5 °C
177 Russaro (Finland) -5.4 °C
178 Strommingsbadan (Finland) -4.2 °C
179 Uto (Finland) -3.5 °C
180 Nyhamn (Finland) -2.8 °C
181 Bogskar (Finland) -1.8 °C
182 Market (Finland) -1.8 °C
Příspěvky: 1110
Registrace: 31. 10. 2012 16:25
Nadmořská výška:

Hodnocení: 16

Co je to hodnocení?

Re: Anomalie pocasi ve svete v prubehu zimy 2019 2020

Příspěvekod TommyAst » 02. 03. 2020 00:33

29.02.2020 - prez stredni Evropu prechod fronty a v Britanii-Irsku opet silny vitr. Ve stredni Evrope toho moc nenaprselo. Na severu Skandinavie mrazy az od -30 °C, pod -30 °C i na Spicberkach. Letni dny v kontinentalnim Spanelsku, jinde v Evrope zadna tepla vlna.

Ocekava se v SV Italii a ve Slovinsku SZ na konci zimy - zacatku jara az 200-300 mm srazek a v Alpach (za nekolik dni) i nad 1 m noveho snehu pri Slovinsko-Italskych hranicich.
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/exces ... w-alps-mk/

Tropicka deprese prechazejici Australii, ale nize s vydatnymi srazkami
https://www.severe-weather.eu/tropical- ... il-nsw-mk/

Efekt jezera a v Americe u velkych jezer muze napadnout i prez metr snehu.
https://www.severe-weather.eu/recent-ev ... ewyork-mk/

Nize pobliz vychoniho pobrezi USA:
https://www.severe-weather.eu/global-we ... owfall-mk/

Prechod nize a velke uhrny srazek i snezeni ve stredni Evrope:
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/low-p ... europe-mk/

Dalsi extremni nize v Atlantiku na prelomu brezna-unora:
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/explo ... -jorge-mk/
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/updat ... turday-mk/
https://www.severe-weather.eu/mcd/sting ... -jorge-mk/

Maxima ve vybranych statech Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:

1 Laverton Aws (Australia) 43.0 °C, 2 Marble Bar (Australia) 43.0 °C Cely svet Tmax.
1 Murcia (Spain) 26.7 °C, 2 Murcia - Alcantarilla (Spain) 26.5 °C, 3 Oliva (Spain) 26.1 °C, 4 Lorca (Spain) 25.6 °C, 5 Xativa (Spain) 25.4 °C, 6 Javea - Ayuntamiento (Spain) 24.9 °C
1 Funchal (Portugal) 22.9 °C
1 Olbia - Costa Smeralda (Italy) 21.8 °C
1 Kyrenia (Cyprus) 20.7 °C
1 Perpignan (France) 19.6 °C
1 Gyanja (Azerbaijan) 19.5 °C
1 Zugdidi (Georgia) 19.2 °C
1 Iskenderun (Turkey) 19.2 °C
1 Kapan (Armenia) 18.5 °C
1 Gudja (Malta) 17.8 °C, 2 Luqa (Malta) 17.8 °C
1 Lamia (Greece) 17.5 °C
1 Lahr (Germany) 17.2 °C
1 Gjirokastra (Albania) 16.4 °C
1 Delemont (Switzerland) 16.1 °C, 2 Moehlin (Switzerland) 16.1 °C
1 Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 15.5 °C
1 Feldkirch (Austria) 15.2 °C
1 Mali Losinj (Croatia) 14.7 °C
1 Gevgelija (Macedonia, The Republic of) 14.4 °C
1 Arcen Aws (Netherlands) 14.1 °C, 2 Ell Aws (Netherlands) 14.1 °C, 3 Maastricht Airport Zuid Limburg (Netherlands) 14.1 °C
1 Portoroz - Secovlje (Slovenia) 14.0 °C
1 Diepenbeek (Belgium) 14.0 °C
1 Loznica (Serbia) 13.5 °C
1 Bar (Montenegro) 13.0 °C
1 Drobeta Tr. Severin (Romania) 12.8 °C
1 Sandanski (Bulgaria) 12.0 °C, 7 Mussala Top - Sommet (Bulgaria) -9.9 °C
1 Shoeburyness (United Kingdom) 11.6 °C
1 Komrat (Moldova) 11.4 °C
1 Vester Vedsted (Denmark) 11.1 °C
1 Hurbanovo (Slovakia) 10.6 °C
1 Casement Aerodrome (Ireland) 10.3 °C
1 Jelenia Gora (Poland) 10.1 °C
1 Chernivtsi (Ukraine) 10.0 °C
1 Plzen-Mikulka (Czech Republic) 9.7 °C
1 Ekofisk (Norway) 7.7 °C, 2 Mandal Iii (Norway) 6.4 °C
1 Malmo (Sweden) 7.4 °C
1 Kybartai (Lithuania) 7.1 °C
1 Pavilosta (Latvia) 6.4 °C
1 Base San Martin (Antarctica) 5.8 °C
1 Ruhnu (Estonia) 4.7 °C
1 Bogskar (Finland) 3.8 °C
1 Aputiteeq (Greenland) -4.2 °C

Ceska Republika Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Plzen-Mikulka (Czech Republic) 9.7 °C
2 C. Budejovice-Roznov (Czech Republic) 9.6 °C
3 Cheb (Czech Republic) 9.6 °C
4 Churanov (Czech Republic) 9.2 °C
35 Pec pod Snezkou (Czech Republic) 1.4 °C
36 Serak (Czech Republic) -0.8 °C
37 Snezka (Czech Republic) -2.3 °C
38 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) -2.5 °C

1 Snezka (Czech Republic) -8.5 °C
2 Serak (Czech Republic) -7.5 °C
3 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) -7.0 °C
4 Churanov (Czech Republic) -5.3 °C
36 Praha-Kbely (Czech Republic) -0.1 °C
37 Tusimice (Czech Republic) 0.3 °C
38 Ostrava - Mosnov (Czech Republic) 0.4 °C

1 Tusimice (Czech Republic) 7.3 mm
2 Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) 7.3 mm
3 Usti nad Labem (Czech Republic) 7.1 mm
4 Cheb (Czech Republic) 7.0 mm
5 Serak (Czech Republic) 6.9 mm
6 Milesovka (Czech Republic) 6.0 mm
7 Praha-Libus (Czech Republic) 4.7 mm
8 Praha - Ruzyne (Czech Republic) 4.5 mm
9 Kramolin-Kosetice (Czech Republic) 3.9 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Snezka (Czech Republic) 130 km/h
2 Lysa hora (Czech Republic) 108 km/h
3 Serak (Czech Republic) 94 km/h
4 Polom (Czech Republic) 83 km/h
5 Cervena (Czech Republic) 79 km/h
6 Milesovka (Czech Republic) 76 km/h
7 Svratouch (Czech Republic) 76 km/h

Evropa Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Murcia (Spain) 26.7 °C
2 Murcia - Alcantarilla (Spain) 26.5 °C
3 Oliva (Spain) 26.1 °C
4 Lorca (Spain) 25.6 °C
5 Xativa (Spain) 25.4 °C
6 Javea - Ayuntamiento (Spain) 24.9 °C
7 Cieza - Parque De Bomberos (Spain) 24.8 °C
8 Huercal Overa (Spain) 24.7 °C
9 Malaga - Aeropuerto (Spain) 24.4 °C
10 Malaga - puerto (Spain) 24.3 °C
11 Malaga - cmt (Spain) 24.2 °C
12 Alicante (Spain) 24.1 °C
13 Valencia - Aeropuerto (Spain) 23.9 °C

08430 Murcia 61 m Spanelsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08429 Murcia - Alcantarilla 75 m Spanelsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08282 Oliva 5 m Spanelsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08426 Lorca 312 m Spanelsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08290 Xativa 88 m Spanelsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08370 Javea - Ayuntamiento 15 m Spanelsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

1 Verlegenhuken (Norway) -33.0 °C Spicberky
2 Akseloya (Norway) -31.6 °C Spicberky
3 Karl Xii Oya (Norway) -31.5 °C Spicberky
4 Sodankyla Vuotso (Finland) -31.2 °C
5 Lovozero (Russia) -31.1 °C
6 Inari Vayla (Finland) -30.9 °C
7 Kvitoya (Norway) -30.4 °C Spicberky
8 Sodankyla Lokka (Finland) -30.4 °C
9 Rovaniemi Apukka (Finland) -30.1 °C
10 Edgeoya (Norway) -29.6 °C Spicberky
11 Salla Naruska (Finland) -29.6 °C
12 Inari Kaamanen (Finland) -29.0 °C
13 Apatity (Russia) -28.9 °C
14 Salla Kk (Finland) -28.8 °C
15 Savukoski Kk (Finland) -28.8 °C
16 Sodankyla (Finland) -28.4 °C
17 Nyrud (Norway) -28.1 °C
18 Kemijarvi Lentokentta (Finland) -28.0 °C
19 Kongsoya (Norway) -27.6 °C Spicberky
20 Ranua Airfield (Finland) -27.5 °C
21 Ylitornio Meltosjarvi (Finland) -26.9 °C
22 Inari Kirakkajarvi (Finland) -26.6 °C
23 Padun (Russia) -26.5 °C
24 Pyramiden (Norway) -26.4 °C Spicberky
25 Inari Nellim (Finland) -26.3 °C
26 Kanevka (Russia) -25.9 °C
27 Svalbard Lufthavn (Norway) -25.6 °C Spicberky
28 Kuusamo Kiutakongas (Finland) -25.5 °C
29 Pudasjarvi (Finland) -25.4 °C
30 Alvsbyn (Sweden) -25.2 °C
31 Krasnoscel E (Russia) -24.9 °C
32 Monchegorsk (Russia) -24.9 °C
33 Vidsel (Sweden) -24.9 °C

01002 Verlegenhuken Norsko, Spicberky 80.0592 severne
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

01017 Akseloya Norsko, Spicberky 77.68 severne
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

02816 Sodankyla Vuotso 247 m severni Finsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

02827 Inari Vayla 122 m severni Finsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

02813 Rovaniemi Apukka 106 m, severni Finsko pri polarnim kruhu
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

01082 Nyrud Norsko 1 m.n.m. 69.13 severne, 29.23 vychodne, kousek oh 3-hranicniho bodu Finsko-Norsko-Rusko (to asi nebude uplne moc turisticke misto).
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

04416 Summit Vnitrozemi Gronska 3202 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

04301 Kap Morris Jesup 4 m Gronsko severni mys a nejsevernejsi stanice 83.65 severne.
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

1 Aubenas (France) 47.8 mm
2 Mykonos (Airport) (Greece) 40.0 mm
3 Kristiansand - Kjevik (Norway) 38.0 mm
4 Lista Fyr (Norway) 35.1 mm
5 Silifke (Turkey) 35.0 mm
6 Mandal Iii (Norway) 34.8 mm
7 Lerwick (United Kingdom) 34.6 mm
8 Mont-Rigi (Belgium) 33.6 mm
9 Mersin (Turkey) 32.0 mm
10 Bingol (Turkey) 31.0 mm
11 Alanya (Turkey) 30.0 mm
12 Heraklion Airport (Greece) 30.0 mm
13 Gjerstad (Norway) 29.5 mm
14 Keswick (United Kingdom) 28.0 mm
15 Tekirdag (Turkey) 28.0 mm
16 Byglandsfjord-Solbakken (Norway) 27.5 mm
17 Penhas Douradas (Portugal) 27.3 mm
18 Hovden-Lundane (Norway) 27.1 mm
19 Adana - Sakirpasa (Turkey) 27.0 mm
20 Adana - Incirlik (Turkey) 27.0 mm
21 Eskdalemuir (United Kingdom) 27.0 mm
22 Santiago De Composte (Spain) 26.8 mm
23 Eik Hove (Norway) 26.5 mm
24 Ploudalmezeau (France) 25.8 mm
25 Liscombe (United Kingdom) 25.0 mm
26 Hynnekleiv (Norway) 24.4 mm

07570 Aubenas 280 m, Francie
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

16750 Mykonos Airport 125 m Recko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

01452 Kristiansand - Kjevik 1 m jizni Norsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

17330 Silifke 15 m Turecko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

06494 Mont-Rigi 671 m Belgie
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

Narazy vetru:
1 Roldalsfjellet (Norway) 151 km/h
2 Fisterra (Spain) 144 km/h
3 Mourgash (Bulgaria) 144 km/h
4 Aberdaron (United Kingdom) 141 km/h
5 Great Dun Fell (United Kingdom) 141 km/h
6 Midtstova (Norway) 137 km/h
7 Pointe Du Raz (France) 135 km/h
8 Feldberg - Schwarzwald (Germany) 133 km/h
9 Leuchtturm Kiel (Germany) 133 km/h
10 Mace Head (Ireland) 133 km/h
11 Les Diablerets (Switzerland) 131 km/h
12 Chasseral (Switzerland) 130 km/h
13 Kastelorizo (Greece) 130 km/h
14 La Dole (Switzerland) 130 km/h
15 Snezka (Czech Republic) 130 km/h
16 Carteret (France) 128 km/h
17 Chemoulin (France) 126 km/h

1429 Roldalsfjellet 1010 m Jizni Norsko Dost snehu teda.
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

08040 Fisterra 230 m Spanelsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

03405 Aberdaron 95 m UK
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

01346 Midtstova 1162 m jizni Norsko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

07103 Pointe Du Raz 72 m Francie
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

10908 Feldberg - Schwarzwald 1486 m Nemecko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

11653 Snezka Ceska Republika 1602 m
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

Britanie Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Shoeburyness (United Kingdom) 11.6 °C
2 Rhyl (United Kingdom) 11.5 °C
3 Chivenor (United Kingdom) 11.4 °C
4 Pershore (United Kingdom) 11.4 °C
140 Bealach Na Ba No2 (United Kingdom) 1.5 °C
141 Cairngorm (United Kingdom) 0.1 °C
142 Aonach Mor (United Kingdom) 0.0 °C

1 Cairngorm (United Kingdom) -6.6 °C
2 Aonach Mor (United Kingdom) -5.8 °C
3 Cairnwell (United Kingdom) -4.2 °C
4 Great Dun Fell (United Kingdom) -3.3 °C
139 Isle Of Portland (United Kingdom) 5.9 °C
140 Saint Catherine s Point (United Kingdom) 6.0 °C
141 Shoreham Airport (United Kingdom) 6.1 °C

10x mrazovy den.

1 Lerwick (United Kingdom) 34.6 mm
2 Keswick (United Kingdom) 28.0 mm
3 Eskdalemuir (United Kingdom) 27.0 mm
4 Liscombe (United Kingdom) 25.0 mm
5 Capel Curig (United Kingdom) 24.0 mm
6 Lake Vyrnwy (United Kingdom) 21.0 mm
7 Bala (United Kingdom) 20.0 mm
8 Cardinham (United Kingdom) 20.0 mm
9 Shap (United Kingdom) 20.0 mm
10 Baltasound (United Kingdom) 19.0 mm
11 Larkhill (United Kingdom) 19.0 mm
12 Sennybridge (United Kingdom) 19.0 mm
131 Boulmer (United Kingdom) 1.4 mm
132 Wainfleet (United Kingdom) 1.4 mm
133 Loftus Samos (United Kingdom) 0.8 mm

54x 10 mm a vice, na vsech stanicich min 0.8 mm.

Narazy vetru:
1 Aberdaron (United Kingdom) 141 km/h
2 Great Dun Fell (United Kingdom) 141 km/h
3 Lerwick (United Kingdom) 120 km/h
4 Capel Curig (United Kingdom) 119 km/h
5 Isle Of Portland (United Kingdom) 117 km/h

Irsko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Casement Aerodrome (Ireland) 10.3 °C
2 Oak Park, Carlow (Ireland) 10.1 °C
3 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 10.0 °C
17 Cork Airport (Ireland) 6.5 °C
18 Connaught Airport (Ireland) 5.5 °C

1 Connaught Airport (Ireland) -0.5 °C
2 Cork Airport (Ireland) 0.1 °C
3 Gurteen (Ireland) 0.4 °C
16 Mace Head (Ireland) 2.6 °C
17 Sherkin Island (Ireland) 3.3 °C
18 Belmullet (Ireland) 3.4 °C

1 Claremorris (Ireland) 19.0 mm
2 Connaught Airport (Ireland) 17.0 mm
3 Mullingar (Ireland) 17.0 mm
4 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 16.0 mm
5 Gurteen (Ireland) 16.0 mm
6 Shannon Airport (Ireland) 16.0 mm
7 Belmullet (Ireland) 15.0 mm
8 Mace Head (Ireland) 12.0 mm
16 Johnstown Castle (Ireland) 6.1 mm
17 Roches Point (Ireland) 4.5 mm
18 Sherkin Island (Ireland) 4.4 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Mace Head (Ireland) 133 km/h
2 Malin Head (Ireland) 112 km/h
3 Shannon Airport (Ireland) 108 km/h
4 Valentia Observatory (Ireland) 108 km/h
17 Mullingar (Ireland) 76 km/h
18 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 72 km/h

Nemecko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Freiburg i. Br. (Germany) 17.3 °C
2 Lahr (Germany) 17.2 °C
3 Oehringen (Germany) 16.4 °C
4 Rheinstetten (Germany) 16.4 °C
5 Muenchen-Stadt (Germany) 16.2 °C
6 Waibstadt (Germany) 16.2 °C
7 Muehlacker (Germany) 16.1 °C
8 Stuttgart - Schnarrenberg (Germany) 16.1 °C
9 Geisenheim (Germany) 15.5 °C
10 Mannheim (Germany) 15.5 °C
11 Stuttgart-Echterdingen (Germany) 15.5 °C
12 Andernach (Germany) 15.2 °C
13 Offenbach-Wetterpark (Germany) 15.1 °C
14 Lingen (Germany) 15.0 °C
15 Muenster - Osnabrueck (Germany) 15.0 °C
16 Meppen (Germany) 14.8 °C
17 Diepholz (Germany) 14.7 °C
18 Lechfeld (Germany) 14.7 °C
200 Zinnwald-Georgenfeld (Germany) 2.4 °C
201 Fichtelberg (Germany) 2.3 °C
202 Zugspitze (Germany) -4.3 °C

10803 Freiburg i. Br 269 m Jizni Nemecko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

10805 Lahr 155 m Jizni nemecko
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

10961 Zugspitze 2960 m Jizni Nemecko, 330 cm snehu koncem unora.
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... 29&ord=DIR

1 Zugspitze (Germany) -13.6 °C
2 Grosser Arber (Germany) -6.6 °C
3 Fichtelberg (Germany) -6.0 °C
4 Feldberg - Schwarzwald (Germany) -5.3 °C
5 Brocken (Germany) -4.8 °C
200 Mannheim (Germany) 6.0 °C
201 Freiburg i. Br. (Germany) 6.1 °C
202 Lahr (Germany) 7.6 °C

47x mrazovy den.

1 Schmuecke (Germany) 19.8 mm
2 Braunlage (Germany) 18.7 mm
3 Neuhaus am Rennweg (Germany) 17.8 mm
4 Nordholz (Germany) 17.0 mm
5 Itzehoe (Germany) 16.6 mm
6 Bergen-Hohne (Germany) 16.0 mm
7 Elpersbuettel (Germany) 15.1 mm
8 Bremervoerde (Germany) 15.0 mm
9 Bremerhaven (Germany) 14.7 mm
10 Bremen (Germany) 14.5 mm

28x 10 mm, jen 1 stanice z 198 beze srazek.

Narazy vetru:
1 Feldberg - Schwarzwald (Germany) 133 km/h
2 Leuchtturm Kiel (Germany) 133 km/h
3 Weinbiet (Germany) 119 km/h
4 Bremerhaven (Germany) 115 km/h
5 Brocken (Germany) 115 km/h
6 Zugspitze (Germany) 115 km/h
7 Duesseldorf (Germany) 112 km/h
8 Leuchtturm Alte Weser (Germany) 108 km/h

Rakousko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Feldkirch (Austria) 15.2 °C
2 Dornbirn (Austria) 14.8 °C
3 Jenbach (Austria) 14.5 °C
4 Bregenz (Austria) 14.4 °C
5 Salzburg - Freisaal (Austria) 13.8 °C
6 Mayrhofen (Austria) 13.7 °C
150 Villacher Alpe Aut. (Austria) -4.7 °C
151 Brunnenkogel (Austria) -6.5 °C
152 Sonnblick - Autom. (Austria) -6.9 °C

8x ledovy den.

1 Sonnblick - Autom. (Austria) -16.6 °C
2 Brunnenkogel (Austria) -14.1 °C
3 Alpinzentrum Rudolfshuette (Austria) -12.7 °C
4 Radstadt (Austria) -12.3 °C
150 Dornbirn (Austria) 3.9 °C
151 Feldkirch (Austria) 4.0 °C
152 Bregenz (Austria) 5.7 °C

10x Tmin pod -10 °C, 144x mrazovy den.

1 Alberschwende (Austria) 1.4 mm
2 Bregenz (Austria) 1.2 mm
3 Dornbirn (Austria) 0.6 mm
4 Praebichl (Austria) 0.6 mm
5 Ried Im Innkreis (Austria) 0.6 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Brunnenkogel (Austria) 122 km/h
2 Alpinzentrum Rudolfshuette (Austria) 119 km/h
3 Patscherkofel (Austria) 119 km/h
4 Villacher Alpe Aut. (Austria) 112 km/h
5 Sonnblick - Autom. (Austria) 108 km/h

Svycarsko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Delemont (Switzerland) 16.1 °C
2 Moehlin (Switzerland) 16.1 °C
3 Fahy (Switzerland) 15.6 °C
4 Glarus (Switzerland) 15.0 °C
5 Geneve-Cointrin (Switzerland) 14.9 °C
6 Altenrhein (Switzerland) 14.7 °C
142 Crap Masegn (Switzerland) -5.1 °C
143 Corvatsch (Switzerland) -7.1 °C
144 Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) -7.3 °C

1 Buffalora (Ofenpass) (Switzerland) -12.1 °C
2 Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) -10.9 °C
3 Saentis (Switzerland) -10.5 °C
4 Corvatsch (Switzerland) -10.4 °C
5 Eggishorn (Switzerland) -10.2 °C
142 Pully (Switzerland) 4.9 °C
143 Le Bouveret (Switzerland) 5.0 °C
144 Vevey (Switzerland) 5.7 °C

1 La Chaux-De-Fonds (Switzerland) 22.1 mm
2 La Brevine (Switzerland) 21.6 mm
3 Taenikon (Switzerland) 20.3 mm
4 Wynau (Switzerland) 19.0 mm
5 Pilatus (Switzerland) 18.4 mm
6 Grand St. Bernard (Switzerland) 18.3 mm
7 Fretaz La (Switzerland) 17.2 mm
8 Napf (Switzerland) 17.1 mm
9 Oron (Switzerland) 16.8 mm
10 Villars-Tiercelin (Switzerland) 16.2 mm
11 Reckenholz (Switzerland) 15.7 mm
12 La Dole (Switzerland) 15.6 mm
13 Waedenswil (Switzerland) 15.0 mm
14 Bern - Zollikofen (Switzerland) 14.6 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Les Diablerets (Switzerland) 131 km/h
2 Chasseral (Switzerland) 130 km/h
3 La Dole (Switzerland) 130 km/h
4 Elm (Switzerland) 117 km/h
5 Piz Martegnas (Switzerland) 115 km/h
6 Delemont (Switzerland) 109 km/h
7 Guetsch (Switzerland) 109 km/h

Madarsko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Keszthely (Hungary) 12.6 °C
2 Baja (Hungary) 12.4 °C
3 Kaposvar (Hungary) 12.3 °C
33 Josvafo (Hungary) 6.3 °C
34 Kekesteto (Hungary) -0.7 °C

1 Kekesteto (Hungary) -4.8 °C
2 Nagykanizsa (Hungary) -4.6 °C
3 Debrecen (Hungary) -4.3 °C
4 Josvafo (Hungary) -4.3 °C
33 Siofok (Hungary) -1.1 °C
34 Tat (Hungary) -1.0 °C

Srazky - nikde nic.

Narazy vetru:
1 Kekesteto (Hungary) 65 km/h

Slovensko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Hurbanovo (Slovakia) 10.6 °C
2 Bratislava Ivanka (Slovakia) 10.2 °C
3 Malacky (Slovakia) 9.2 °C
26 Kojsovska Hola (Slovakia) -2.8 °C
27 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) -3.8 °C
28 Chopok (Slovakia) -7.3 °C

1 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) -16.2 °C
2 Chopok (Slovakia) -11.5 °C
3 Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) -10.2 °C
27 Ziar Nad Hronom (Slovakia) -1.1 °C
28 Bratislava-koliba (Slovakia) -1.0 °C

1 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) 1.7 mm
2 Kojsovska Hola (Slovakia) 0.9 mm
3 Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) 0.3 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Chopok (Slovakia) 94 km/h
2 Lomnicky Stit (Slovakia) 86 km/h
3 Malacky (Slovakia) 86 km/h
4 Liesek (Slovakia) 83 km/h

Polsko Ogimet SYNOP extremy 29.02.2020 23 UTC:
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?lang= ... &Send=send

1 Jelenia Gora (Poland) 10.1 °C
2 Slubice (Poland) 9.6 °C
3 Tarnow (Poland) 9.5 °C
73 Lesko (Poland) 3.7 °C
74 Sniezka (Poland) -2.0 °C
75 Kasprowy Wierch (Poland) -6.3 °C

1 Kasprowy Wierch (Poland) -12.1 °C
2 Sniezka (Poland) -9.2 °C
3 Zakopane (Poland) -7.3 °C
4 Jelenia Gora (Poland) -3.8 °C
73 Szczecin (Poland) 2.1 °C
74 Hel (Poland) 2.2 °C
75 Swinoujscie (Poland) 2.5 °C

1 Swidwin (Poland) 6.2 mm
2 Sniezka (Poland) 6.0 mm
3 Mirowslawiec (Poland) 4.7 mm
4 Lebork (Poland) 3.4 mm

Narazy vetru:
1 Sniezka (Poland) 119 km/h
2 Kasprowy Wierch (Poland) 112 km/h
3 Klodzko (Poland) 83 km/h
4 Krosno (Poland) 72 km/h
Příspěvky: 1110
Registrace: 31. 10. 2012 16:25
Nadmořská výška:

Hodnocení: 16

Co je to hodnocení?

Re: Anomalie pocasi ve svete v prubehu zimy 2019 2020

Příspěvekod TommyAst » 02. 03. 2020 00:42

Jake byly nakonec stanice bez ledoveho dne ve Finsku a jestli vubec ?

V Jiznim Finsku na pobrezi a zejmena na jiho-zapade ostrovy v mori skutecne tech ledovych dnu v zime 2019-2020 meli velmi malo, pokud vubec nejake. Nejvice na jihu se objevili ledove dny 28.12.2019, 04.02.2020 a 27-28.02.2020. Nekde se objevil ledovy den i 10.01.2020, dost stanic na jihu Finska ale melo leden 2020 bez ledoveho dne. Ale co cela zima 2019-2020 ? Skukneme Finske stanice bez ledoveho dne ve dnech 28.12.2019, 04.02.2020 a 28.02.2020 a ktere stanice budou ve vsech dnech soucasne.

Extremy Finsko Ogimet SYNOP 28.12.2019 23 UTC
http://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?l ... &Send=send

1 Kilpisjarvi (Finland) 2.7 °C
2 Bogskar (Finland) 2.1 °C
3 Uto (Finland) 2.1 °C
4 Dragsf Jard Vano (Finland) 2.0 °C
5 Fagerholm (Finland) 2.0 °C
6 Valassaaret (Finland) 1.8 °C
7 Market (Finland) 1.7 °C
8 Kristiinankaupungin Majakka (Finland) 1.5 °C
9 Turku Rajakari (Finland) 1.5 °C
10 Pori Tahkoluoto (Finland) 1.4 °C
11 Strommingsbadan (Finland) 1.4 °C
12 Kemi I Lighthouse (Finland) 1.3 °C
13 Nyhamn (Finland) 1.3 °C
14 Rauma Kylmapihlaja (Finland) 1.3 °C
15 Hanko Tulliniemi (Finland) 1.2 °C
16 Kaskinen Salgrund (Finland) 1.2 °C
17 Kumlinge Kk (Finland) 1.1 °C
18 Kustavi Isokari (Finland) 1.1 °C
19 Russaro (Finland) 0.8 °C
20 Korsnas Bredskaret (Finland) 0.7 °C
21 Lumparland Langnas Harbour (Finland) 0.7 °C
22 Kemi (Finland) 0.6 °C
23 Kemi Ajos (Finland) 0.5 °C
24 Mariehamn - Aland Island (Finland) 0.5 °C
25 Hanko Tvarminne (Finland) 0.2 °C
26 Jomala Jomalaby (Finland) 0.2 °C
27 Tammisaari Jussaro (Finland) 0.2 °C
28 Tornio Torppi (Finland) 0.0 °C
29 Vaasa Klemettila (Finland) -0.1 °C

Skutecne zajimave - kde bylo nejvyssi maximum dne 28.12.2019 ve Finsku, zatimco stanice na jihu meli jeden z mala ledovych dni. 02801 Kilpisjarvi je daleko za polarnim kruhem ve Finskem ramenu, kousek od troj-hranicniho bodu FI-SE-NO, pri udoli a jezeru, v nadmorske vysce 478 m, 69.05 severne a 20.78 vychodne. Led na jezere zustava tam obvykle do cervna. Nad vesnici je hora Saana 1029 m vysoko s meteorolgickou stanici 1007 m vysoko. Tam byla zima nadprumerna ledos, ale bez ledoveho dne opravdu ne.

Odkazy jsou na jednotlive zimni mesice zimy 2019-2020. Prvni odkaz je 50 dni pred meteorologickou zimou 2019-2020 a posledni odkaz 50 dni po meteorologicke zime 2019-2020. Unor 2020 je predposledni odkaz.

02801 Kilpisjarvi (Finland) 69.05 severne 20.78 vychodne 478 m.n.m. Tam zimu bez ledoveho dne fakt necekejte. Ale Arktickych dnu je tam razantni podprumer vuci normalu.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1815 ... 41/20.8648

http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

02701 Kilpisjarvi Saana (Finland) 69.05 severne 20.85 vychodne 1007 m.n.m. Hora nad jezerem a vesnici Kilpisjarvi.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3675 ... 33/20.8599

http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send

Extremy Finsko Ogimet SYNOP 04.02.2020 23 UTC
http://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?l ... &Send=send

1 Bogskar (Finland) 1.6 °C
2 Market (Finland) 1.4 °C
3 Nyhamn (Finland) 1.2 °C
4 Uto (Finland) 1.2 °C
5 Kumlinge Kk (Finland) 0.9 °C
6 Fagerholm (Finland) 0.8 °C
7 Rauma Kylmapihlaja (Finland) 0.8 °C
8 Kustavi Isokari (Finland) 0.7 °C
9 Dragsf Jard Vano (Finland) 0.6 °C
10 Russaro (Finland) 0.5 °C
11 Hanko Tulliniemi (Finland) 0.3 °C
12 Pori Tahkoluoto (Finland) 0.3 °C
13 Turku Rajakari (Finland) 0.1 °C
14 Helsinki Lighthouse (Finland) 0.0 °C
15 Kirkkonummi Makiluoto (Finland) -0.1 °C

Extremy Finsko Ogimet SYNOP 28.02.2020 23 UTC
http://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynext?l ... &Send=send

1 Porvoo Emasalo (Finland) 1.7 °C
2 Helsinki Kumpula (Finland) 1.4 °C
3 Kirkkonummi Makiluoto (Finland) 1.4 °C
4 Helsinki Kaisaniemi (Finland) 1.1 °C
5 Porvoo Harabacka (Finland) 1.1 °C
6 Porvoo Kilpilahti (Finland) 1.0 °C
7 Bogskar (Finland) 0.9 °C
8 Mariehamn - Aland Island (Finland) 0.9 °C
9 Nyhamn (Finland) 0.9 °C
10 Jomala Jomalaby (Finland) 0.8 °C
11 Bagaskar (Finland) 0.6 °C
12 Kemionsaari Kemio (Finland) 0.6 °C
13 Piikkio Yltoinen (Finland) 0.6 °C
14 Espoo Tapiola (Finland) 0.5 °C
15 Kankaanpaa Niinisalo Aws (Finland) 0.5 °C
16 Helsinki Harmaja (Finland) 0.4 °C
17 Helsinki-Vantaa (Finland) 0.4 °C
18 Kotka Haapasaari (Finland) 0.4 °C
19 Salo Karkka (Finland) 0.4 °C
20 Tammisaari Jussaro (Finland) 0.4 °C
21 Kallbadagrund (Finland) 0.3 °C
22 Helsinki Lighthouse (Finland) 0.2 °C
23 Market (Finland) 0.2 °C
24 Turku Artukainen (Finland) 0.2 °C
25 Vihti Maasoja (Finland) 0.2 °C
26 Hanko Tvarminne (Finland) 0.1 °C
27 Pernaja Orrengrund (Finland) 0.1 °C
28 Turku Rajakari (Finland) 0.1 °C
29 Anjalankoski Anjala (Finland) -0.1 °C
30 Rankki (Finland) -0.1 °C
31 Russaro (Finland) -0.1 °C

Je videt, ze chladnejsi vlna 27-28.02.2020 (porad dost teplo) odstranila velkou cast kandidatu, ktere stale byli bez ledoveho dne. Ale 3 stanice nam porad zustaly. Nektere jiz byly zmineny v minulych prispevcich (02980 Nyhamn). Prekvapenim je,ze tam neni stanice 02970 Mariehamn - Aland Island Finsko. Tam totiz 04.02.2020 bylo maximum -0.3 °C. Z vice nez 180 Finskych Ogimet SYNOP stanic ted mame 4 kandidaty na zimu bez ledoveho dne: 02979 Bogskar, 02993 Market, 02980 Nyhamn, 02747 Turku Rajakari. Jsou to ale jen podezrela mista na zaklade 3 kritickych dnu. Ted jeste prohlidnout, jestli cela zima je bez ledoveho dne. A navic - koncem brezna se i v CR muze objevit ledovy den, i v Praze, v minulosti tomu tak bylo i zacatkem dubna. A na jihu Finska neni ledovy den v druhe pulce brezna az tak neobvykly. V dubnu uz je ledovy den na jihu Finska extrem. Navic maxima Ogimet SYNOP pri zvolene periode 23-23 UTC jsou pocitana jako maximum z obdoi 18-06 ze vcera plus 06-18 dnes plus terminove teploty 18-23 dnes.

02746 Hanko Tulliniemi - tam byl prvni ledovy den cele zimy 28.02.2020 Tmax -0.2 °C, asi jediny ledovy den cele zimy to bude.

02747 Turku Rajakari melo maximim +0.1 °C jiz 07.11.2019 a pak opet 04.02.2020 Tmax +0.1 °C a 28.02.2020 take Tmax +0.1 °C. Jenze 04.02.2020 bylo maximum +0.1 °C za obdobi 18-06 UTC a to jiz 03.02.2020 okolo 18 UTC (20 hod Finskeho zimniho casu). Ledovy den tedy 04.02.2020 byl na 02747 Turku Rajakari. Zbyvaji uz jen 3 stanice.

Odkazy jsou na jednotlive zimni mesice zimy 2019-2020. Prvni odkaz je 50 dni pred meteorologickou zimou 2019-2020 a posledni odkaz 50 dni po meteorologicke zime 2019-2020. Unor 2020 je predposledni odkaz.

02979 Bogskar (Finland) 59.05 severne 20.35 vychodne 4 m.n.m.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/53073 ... 78/19.7872

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02993 Market (Finland) 60.30 severne 19.13 vychodne 11 m.n.m.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/ ... 07/19.1338

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02980 Nyhamn (Finland) 59.97 severne 19.97 vychodne 8 m.n.m.
https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhamn_(L ... %C3%85land)
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/11396 ... 97/19.9632

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02746 Hanko Tulliniemi (Finland) 59.82 severne 22.92 vychodne 11 m.n.m. 28.02.2020 Tmax -0.2 °C, ledovy den.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2058 ... 96/22.9171

http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang= ... &Send=Send
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02747 Turku Rajakari (Finland) 60.38 severne 22.10 vychodne 4 m.n.m. Maximum 04.02.2020 +0.1 °C bylo vecer 03.02.2020 a 04.02.2020 ledovy den.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?qu ... 5/22.09674

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Příspěvky: 1110
Registrace: 31. 10. 2012 16:25
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Hodnocení: 16

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