Adi: Tak to je možná až k smíchu. Oni nám v podstatě předpovídají extrémně studený prosinec a v té angličtině to působí až komicky.
Tato pasáž:
NAO / AO: Negative phases of North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation should bring rounds of extreme, possibly regionally historic/legendary December frosts above the wider European region /see materials on our homepage/. Many Mediterranean lows with possible blizzards, Greenlandic, Arctic, and Siberian air outbreaks are highly possible, with a strengthening of winter conditions until the New Year 2022. Shorter warm periods should appear, too, but cold conditions will be leading. Frosts up to -20°C in British Island and Iberia, -25°C in Balkan, Eastern Europe, and France, -30°C in Central Europe and -35°C in Scandinavia are very possible during the peaking of extreme coldwaves.
Slova jako extreme historic legendary
Pokud budou indexy AO NAO záporné tak by ty šance na pořádnou zimu měly být větší, ale nefunguje to tak doslovně na 100%.